Ministry of Labor issues employment protection measures for the containment phase of COVID-19.

Published: March 17, 2020
Ministry of Labor issues employment protection measures for the containment phase of COVID-19.

Through Circular 021 of March 17, 2020, the Ministry of Labor presented its guidelines to be considered by employers and workers of the nation, in order to express the alternatives that can be adopted in occasional, temporary and exceptional situations as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Of the proposed alternatives, it recalls and exposes the importance of managing the use of mechanisms such as working at home, teleworking, flexible working hours, early or collective vacations, paid leave with payment of salary without rendering services and in general, all the measures set forth in the aforementioned circular do not exonerate the employer from complying with its obligations, in particular, the payment of salary, contributions to the Social Security System and all those derived from the labor relationship.