Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Occupational Health and Safety System

Lara & Lopez Abogados y Consultores S.A.S., is an auditing firm that provides a complete and professional service, in the protections related to international standards and conventions that are established in the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS).

We facilitate any implementation, monitoring, improvement or audit in the application of the OSHMS, seeking the reduction of accidental risks, the increase in productivity either product or service.

Among the services and activities we offer are:

Implementation of the SG-SST

  • We offer a comprehensive service from start to finish in the implementation of the entire process in the management of safety and health at work by performing a diagnosis of the current situation of the company, implementing activities such as policy, organization, risk identification, planning, evaluation and everything related to the impact that generates its implementation with the aim of improving working conditions.

Evaluation of the OSHMS

  • We identify, review and evaluate all risks related to occupational health and safety based on established standards and regulations.
  • We carry out a structure to identify the efficiency in the processes, validating the compliance of the system, managing to generate the pertinent corrections to improve your company. In addition, we make a strategic plan of the organization taking into account the methods, indicators, monitoring, definitions and other processes carried out to carry out the OSHMS.    

Design of the OSHMS

  • We design for your company in the elaboration of the Occupational Health and Safety policy, the design of the risk identification matrix in the work activities, the industrial hygiene and safety regulations, the legal matrix, conformation and implementation of the COPASST committee, procedures and instructions, among others.    

Prevention and emergency preparedness

  • We carry out the identification of threats by evaluating the degree of risk in your company, such as demarcation of work areas, drills, training, emergency plans, procedures, documentation, hospital emergency plans and others that allow to manage the actions to be taken in situations before, during and after an emergency mitigating serious consequences.

Psychosocial Risk

  • We advise, implement, evaluate and perform any follow-up to achieve a health and welfare management at work such as the prevention of harassment at work, communication, individual factors for stress management, and everything that can affect physically, psychically and socially the performance of work activities.

  • We identify and improve factors such as:

  • Job content
  • Personal development
  • Participation and control
  • Work time
  • Organizational
  • Other

OSHMS Training

  • We provide training and / or conferences to adopt and maintain the provisions and compliance with the OSHMS, offering workers an identification of risks and controls that a company must have its regulations, procedures, disclosure, communication and continuous improvement of the conditions of the same.

Why choose us

  • Lara & Lopez Abogados y Consultores S.A.S., is an auditing firm formed by experts in occupational health and safety, therefore the services are offered thanks to the experience presented in the market. Also, experts in labor, tax, commercial, and criminal law are part of the company, which complement the realization of the processes within the regulations, facilitating the implementations within the terms of law. Additionally, the firm is incorporated by financial and accounting professionals who perform any calculation and analysis in case of incurring debts and penalties, achieving a decision making prevention, design and risk in areas of security, leading to figures any regulations. This allows you to have an integrated service to be represented from start to finish in your needs.
  • The firm offers a value for its services related to quality and service.
  • The services are personalized and according to your situation, we do not propose generic models for all activity, on the contrary, we take the best, regulations, modeling, approaches, theories of today, to offer in each service a solution according to the need of each company or person, taking into account that each one located in a sector, size, regulation and activity different from the others.